Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm a little confused here

because I don't know which direction to take this blog.  I don't really know on what I should focus this thing.  I've had a livejournal for the past 6 years and for some reason I left it.  I went on hiatus and got a Blogger account.  I guess the reason is that when you've been somewhere for a long time and you have people who have been there with you just as long, they start to think they know who you are and what to expect.  I guess I just wanted to get away from that and start over.  Eventually there I stayed away from topics like religion, fashion, and books focusing more on music and politics I guess.  I did post a few poems there too, which was nice.  I don't know.  I mean, one of my old friends from school has an account here and I was going to add her, but all she talked about was god and being a Christian.  I mean, I have no problem with that; it's her blog, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be okay with me being atheist and I'm really not a fan of rocking the boat I share with my friends... more than likely the whole thing will tip over and we'll both fall in.  Did I take that metaphor too far?  It's possible.  

I like the idea of having a place where you can talk about your religion (or lack thereof), but I don't want to be the preachy atheist.  I mean, that's just not good for business.  I don't really want to talk about fashion either because I just follow it without implementing it in my personal life.  I don't know what I'm going to do, but until recently I never thought about writing from an atheist perspective.  "Atheist activism", if you will, is actually very important to me.  And by atheist activism I mean just trying to open people's eyes to what it really means to be atheist and fighting discrimination (believe it or not atheists DO experience discrimination even though it isn't nearly as big an issue as racial, sexual orientation, and gender discrimination).  I do feel strongly about separation of church and state, but there are things in the country and in the world that are more important than a bible verse inscribed on the wall of a court house.  Don't get me wrong, I do agree with those groups that fight for more separation, but I fight harder for other causes right now.  

Well, since I just kind of went off on a mini rant, I think I've found my blog focus.  Yay!

Ooh, I'm also writing about music, veganism, books, and my life and all that so Yay! to that too :)

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